Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Dirty Tub

Like I said yesterday, I think that a great measure of how a toddler's day goes is how dirty the bath water is at the end of bath time. Well I would say today probably measures another ten on the scale although it didn't look like we were going to have as good of an outcome as we did when Ellis woke up this morning. He woke up early and didn't seem happy about anything. I don't think he actually smiled until Pappy and Gammy let him discover what happend when he pushed the peddles on the fridge. The first time startled him but he kept going back for more. The fun only lasted so long and by 10 am. he was ready, and I was more than ready for his "afternoon" nap.

Ellis woke up in time for a late lunch and then to catch the water balloon fight that Michael has been planning for days.

Ellis didn't really get why they were throwing them at each other but he just liked that Michael had a bunch of water filled "balls." And if you are wondering why the lack of trunks, well there is no time for swimming trunks when there are all of those balls to steal while Michael isn't looking or planning his next angle of attack upon Sarah.

Once the water balloons were all popped and picked up Sarah got the sprinkler out for the boys. At first Ellis was very unsure of it but once we switched it to the water hose feature and I told him it was just like Daddy's hose when they wash the car he grabbed it and sprayed away singing some song about Daddy the whole time.

After the hose fun wore off I tried to get him to run through it again but the only way he would do it was if I came along for the ride. Of course he liked that and then it was "more more more." I was soaked by the end of our fun.

He has learned another new word and I can't decide if it was my mom who taught it to him or Michael. The only reason I'm thinking my mom is because of a certain reputation she has for the love of chocolate. I was getting Michael an ice cream sandwich out of the freezer for dessert and I asked him if he wanted vanilla or chocolate and Ellis starting saying "um um um chocolate." It was clear as day, so he ended up with a chocolate sandwich as well.

If you have been reading my mom's blog at all you may have picked up on the fact that their dog Ella (yeah, I know confusing name when you have a grandson named Ellis....I tried to tell them that when they got her).......anyway, Ella loves to chew pacis. I have lost count of our losses but this a picture of one of todays two casualties. The sad part is that this one was a replacement for another one that got chewed and we just bought it yesterday. Looks like we will be making another trip to Target tomorrow, it seems to be two steps forward and two steps back.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

How come there are no pictures of Gammy...

leigh ann said...

cassie, i LOVE the picture of you and ellis. it's just precious. you are such a great mommy.

sheltonfamily said...

Water balloons sound like a great idea! Ellie would love them as well....I keep wanting to get her a sprinkler too....The paci, yeah Ellie has hers back....Advice don't try and take it away cause now she steals Anna's. Although, Anna is a thumb sucker I give it to her when we are out in the stroller for her to chew on etc... Also, with all the travels this summer and with two kids under two I decided sanity was more important! I'm sure you will be sad to go home. It looks like you are having a blast!