Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Reunion day #4

I think that today was even busier than yesterday and I would have never thought that could be possible. Ellis woke up early so he and I played for a little while and then went up to breakfast. When we came back to the lodge it was time to get ready for the day.
Everyone made the trek up the hill to the bubbles bubbles bubbles activity. Its pretty simple. They just lay out a few pans of bubble juice in the lawn and a pan full of bubble wands and let the kids have at it. They all loved it.

Ellis spent most of his time choosing the perfect wand or bathing himself in the bubble juice but he did manage to blow a few with a little help from the wind.

We went straight from the bubbles to a class on bugs. We learned that bugs have three main parts to their bodies; the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, and all bugs have 6 legs and 2 antennas. The most popular bug at our table was the grasshopper. After the little lesson from our teacher we went on a search for a few bugs of our own. Henry actually found a caterpillar and another kid in the class found a beetle.
Ellis and Aria weren't as excited about the bug search as Henry was so we headed back up the hill with Opa to do a little parachute game time.

After all of those activities we were starving. I could not belive how much Ellis ate. He had an adult size portion of veggie lasagne and then a more than adult size portion of strawberry pudding with whipped cream.

He is becoming very fond of his cousins but today I think his favorite was Henry. They have been doing boy things all day like banging on the table after lunch, wrestiling, and playing swords with Henry's new Gladiatior suit.

I didn't want another repeat of yesterday's meltdown so after lunch we went straight to nap time. He was so worn out that I didn't even have to leave the room for him to fall asleep so I ended up taking a little snooze too. After our naps we met the rest of the family in downtown Estes so see a few of the sites. Ellis got to go on the biggest "wee" he has ever seen. He took one ride with Aunt Jen and another with Opa. Before they even got to the bottom he was saying "more, more, more" After the slide we went on the bumper boats and a few quarter rides.
No vacation is complete without a little ice cream and since we are leaving tomorrow we had to make the trip for a scoop. Aunt Jenny is definately on Ellis' good side today, not only did she take him on the wee but she fed him his ice cream and turned his stroller so that he could see the big trucks go by as he was eating.

Who would have thought that Ellis had any more room in that little belly of his for food but when dinner came around he ate TWO hot dogs a bag of sunchips and some baked beans. After dinner we went for a little hike down to the river. The water was freezing but it was gorgeous. As soon as the hike was over I could see it in his eyes that he was ready for bed. On the short drive back to the lodge I saw two, what I think were moose, laying in the thick grass down near the river. I wish I would have had the camera out. Ellis was asleep as soon as his little head hit the pillow and I know I am not far behind.


Anonymous said...

the pic of ellis with the bug puppet thing on his finger cracks me up. his facial expression is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

What a funny boy. I am glad that you guys had such a good time. Tell Jen that she better watch out because I can see that she is trying to steal my favorite aunt spot. Oh and the moose was probably a CARabooo. Just ask Michael.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having so much fun! I have never been up there, but after reading this I think we need to take a vacation there too. I sure do miss all of his facial expressions...can't help but laugh as I looked at them!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

oct24Estes Park here we come! Sounds just so much fun. We might not get Michael to come home. Ellis cracks me up...don't know where he could have ever learned all those funny crazy faces.

sheltonfamily said...

The pics are so great! I wish we were there... we could go for a vacation in CO. We love the ice cream trips to on vacation. So the slide huh? Yeah, Ellie would just about die... she's so afraid of even the little slides at the park... crazy with her daredevil father. It is so great that he loves all of these things. I can see why you are so tired. We are going crazy here....to much inside time, but it is pretty crazy taking both girls by myself anywhere. Today, Mike rescued me and we went to Five Guys for lunch... yummy...Such an east coast thing huh? Have a good last day!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I love the fact that he has on a "Eat your veggies" bib every time he's chowing down on ice cream. :) He's ADROABLE, Cassie!