Thursday, June 21, 2007

Home again

We had a great time in Estes Park and if anyone is looking for an affordable kid friendly vacation this would be a great place to look into. The YMCA has tons of activities planned every week for kids of all ages. This is the last picture that I took while we were there. We didn't actually have much time on Wednesday morning to do much but pack but Opa did make sure that we got to shoot off the rocket that he had bought for the kids. I wish I had gotten a picture of it. It was so perfect, the second time he shot it off it came straight back to his arms. We said our goodbyes to the extended family on the launch pad and then the Oakes went into town for lunch and we said our goodbyes there. It is looking like Ellis is going to need a little time to readjust after vacation so I tried to wear him out in his pool this morning and we will see how life goes after his nap.


Anonymous said...

We are definitely going to go there for a vacation sometime. I am sure it is good to be home again though. Good luck with getting back into the schedule...and FYI you can come here in a month with everyone else for a fun birthday party! :o)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Just you wait a second there little Missy...if they go anywhere it has to be will get to see them before we do...remember you know people in CO. But we hope you have a great birthday and can't wait to see the pictures and read the stories.

Anonymous said...

Well, Kansas is on the way to Ohio!

Anonymous said...

that is such a pretty picture! I can not wiat to see it for real!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

okay, I win!

Anonymous said...

hi cassie,
we're giving blogging a try.