Monday, June 25, 2007

A Prayer Request for a Friend

As most of you probably already know my girlfriends from Asbury have tried to get together for a long weekend at least once a year since we graduated. This is a picture of two of them, Beth and Beka, from our last girls weekend together. I'm writing to ask for prayer for Beka (the one in green) and her family. Beka's mom died very unexpectedly this week. Her parents were planning on moving to their dream retirement home this weekend in NC. In her last email to the girls Beka asked for us to be praying that the Lord would give her dad, brother, herself, and the rest of their family the strength to get through this time. Thank You in advance for your prayers.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I have forwarded all of your emails about eka's Mom to all my powerfl prayer partners. I know that all have lifted up the family. I sent an email and she sad.

Terri said...

Yes, Cassie, I will pray for this dear family, and will trust in the sovereignty of God for them as they go through this difficult time.
Love yas!