Monday, June 11, 2007

He loves Kelli too

Kelli is home from her trip so now Steve has a little competion. This morning after our trip to the park and the grocery store Ellis helped Kelli clean and they played ball and cars together. I think he is in love. She was going out to run a few errands right before his nap and she had her sunglasses on so he had to get his, which are actually mine. I'm so glad I've never been tempted to buy expensive sunglasses but I guess him playing with them would cure me of that very quickly. Here he is standing in the kitchen with my glasses on blowing Kelli kisses as she pulled out of the driveway.
My brother was asking me what it looked like where we lived so I thought I would share these photos. I haven't actually taken any pictures since we have been here but these were from when Trevor interviewed a little more that a month ago. There is less snow on the mountain tops now but there will still be enough there to teach Ellis how to throw snowballs at his cousins when they are here next week for the Oakes family reunion.


Anonymous said...

Can you tell they are grandparents? Looks like he is adjusting better than the first few days! I hope he is sleeping in later!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm so worried that he will forget his good old gammy with all the extra attention he is getting. Maybe Sarah Barnes and I need to make a quick trip...wait minute, it won't be a quick trip from here. When on earth did you gt to talk to your brother? Has he planned a trip out to ski yet? It almost lookslike God's country...and we all know where tht is...WV!

Anonymous said...

looks like elmo is a very happy kid -- you two have done a super good job --- you are to be commended ---- hope to see him before he graduates from high school