Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ellis is having a blast with Steve and Kelli. On a typical morning he is a grump until he sees Kelli. I think he likes her because she lets him help with everything! He helps with her laundry, puts ice in her glass, sweep the floor and probably best of all, she will play his games with him over and over again. A few days ago she was letting him ram his truck into her. She would scream "oh no" and then tumble to the ground. I know that she did it 15 times at least. When she was finally finished playing I was forced to become the playmate. I don't think I'm anywhere near as fun. I'm unable to be as dramatic with my falling and I definately don't get up as fast.
Yesterday was a super busy day for us but we finished it off right. We went to GG's (Trevor's Grandmother) birthday party at Uncle Rick and Aunt Nancy's house. The food was delicous but Ellis spent most of his time under the table with their dog Oz. If you are wondering why she has a number 1 candle its because she is a "number 1 Grandmother."

Today was the same story with Ellis, Mr Grump until Kelli came around. Tonight after the guys went to a coaches meeting Kelli made strawberry shortcake for all of us to enjoy. She let him stick his finger in the cool whip and he again was in love.

I guess he ate to many strawberries while she was cutting them because he ended up on the kichen floor with a bowl strawberry shortcake without the strawberries and without the shortcake.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Tell Gammy Kelli to remind Ellis that he has a Gammy in Ohio that is really jealous! Sounds like a great place to be.

Anonymous said...

Definitely looks like he is getting spoiled and I know my mom is enjoying every bit of it!

Anonymous said...

looks like bug is having a GRET time. hope to see you guys soon. Tell brother I got him some more gifts today.

Anonymous said...

It is just so great to know that you were there to help celebrate GG's birthday! I know she loves having you so close. It's just like Johnny Sheehy said at the Estes Park Reunion, "Who needs TV when there's a toddler around? They're so fasinating!" Ellis is delightfully fasinating to Mom and that's a fact!

sheltonfamily said...

Ellie is so into sweets as well. IT sounds like you all are doing great! So I am figuring out that you are living with another family? Are you looking for a house? Hope all is well for you guys!