Friday, May 25, 2007

Weekend with the Family

So before I begin let me just say a few things. I realize that their are no pictures of me, Trevor, or my dad in this whole blog. There are reasons for this....for me I'm trying to stay away from the camera for the next few months, for Trevor, Michael would say "he is always going to work" but really he was always going to get boxes or tape or something else on mom's list, as for my dad....I'm sure this will come as no surprise to other people that have been on trips with us (the Napiers especially) it just isn't a good day for my dad unless he has made at least two trips to the grocery store and one or two to a nearby fast food chain.
And now for the blog.....As most of you know we are on the move to CO in a few weeks so my parents were here this past weekend to help us with the de-junking and packing up. We had a yard sale that probably would have put us into more debt if it wasn't for Sarah's uncanny sales ability and sure eye for merchandizing. I do have to give my Dad some credit though, it seems that he mave have taught her a little about the endcaps and that houswares should be right next to home appliances.

My parents did their fare share of spoiling while they were here as well. After about the 6th doughnut hole I was the one that finally had to cut it off.

This was Michael's big purchase from the yard sale. I asked him what he was catching and he told me that I wouldn't like it "It tastes fishy" (gee mom I wonder where he got that) "I'll try to catch you a goldfish, you will like that better"

Ellis has become a really good kisser, kissing every animal he can get his lips on, no matter if they are alive, a painting, or a statue. He will kiss people but they are much more rare.

He discovered a love for aunt Sarah, I'm wondering if she was slipping him snickers bars or something, na, it was probably because she was always willing to take him outside.

We did manage to take some time out to take a trip to the park or go out for ice cream. These are a few shots of our last ride on the train and a few other stop offs while we were there. You will get a lot more details and pictures of their trip on my mom's blog so check out my link.


Anonymous said...

I promise I wouldn't have been the one to cut off the donuts, seeing how I'm always the supplier of pepsi juice and other curious snacks...heehheeee!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

A few balls of toatl sugar never hurt anyone, especailly coming from Gammy...what are Gammy's for anyway?

The Oakes said...

um last i checked they are fried....not toasted