Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We took a quick trip to CO this past weekend. We are going to miss Trevor's family reunion this summer becasue he will be at camp. Ellis hadn't met his Great Grandmother "GG" so it was great to get to see her. He really warmed up to her quick and loved giving her high fives.

I just thought that this was cute. Ellis had been running around in his diaper and he picked up Trevor's shirt acting like he wanted to put it on.

I think Ellis had fun but he is happy to be home. This is probably his favorite guy in the youth group, Chris. Chris is the drummer for Wednesday nights and he always lets Ellis play the drums with him and carry his drum sticks around.


Anonymous said...

Twins?!?! HA! Don't even joke about that! I am glad you had fun in CO, that pic of the mountains makes me want to go back!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What is this about twins? GG looks great and she and Ellis look like they are really hitting it off great.