Monday, May 07, 2007

Hard Work With Dad

We had the Barnes over for dinner the other night and Camdyn and Ellis showed off a little. I guess they wanted their dads to see how well they play together now. I think the funny thing is that Sarah and I both hated walking behind and pushing one of them on the truck but when we put Camdyn on and Ellis "got" to push he thought it was a blast. The only problem was that he pushes really fast and he loves to crash!

Saturday was a gorgeous day so we ran a few errands in the morning and then did a little yard work in the afternoon. I did a little planting in the front but Trevor and Ellis did most of the work.

This is one of their creations right along the back steps.

I guess it wore Ellis out because he climbed right up into my chair and did a little relaxing.

I can't remember what he was so excited about but he was screaming about something. Most likely he saw a ball somewhere....or a circle, or something that looked even remotely like a ball. He and his daddy walked around most of the afternoon with no shirts on. Ellis had suncreen on and on Sunday morning it appeared that I only missed a little spot on his neck but Trevor's back looks like his neck usually does after an afternoon of golf.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks like you all have some green doesn't fall too far from the tree...:) A day of great fun! Nice job on the lawn ornament, learned it from the best.

Anonymous said...

Wish Ellis' daddy would put on sunsceen, too!!! I hate to hear he had yet another bad sunburn on his back. Not good!!

Seeing you in the dirt with Ellis reminds me of when you were that age, Trevor, and our neighbor in Denver (Bob Dunlap) would let you help him with his garden and flowers. He was always so patient with you.

Anonymous said...

looking good boys! But I would love to see a picture of you Caz! I feel like I have not seen you in forever and I want to see how the bun is coming along adn what I shold be looking for at Gap Outlet. I will have Mom and Dad bring the guys stuff adn the other baby stuff this weekend.

Anonymous said...

They do play well's really fun to watch them. I love how excited Ellis gets every (at least most) mornings when we get's fun! We'll have to do the zoo or something on a Thursday when I am off soon!

sheltonfamily said...

Very cute pics... Ellis looks quite cute! He and Ellie would be such good pals.....When do you find out what you are having next? My prediction.... Girl! We are also trying to avoid sunburns. It is a little tough with the blonde hair etc... Take Care!

Anonymous said...

I just saw Ellie on You Tube soooo funny you guys should do that it would be so fun!