Sunday, April 01, 2007


He found his shades the other day in the toy box. He wore them all through breakfast despite the fact that he awoke before the sun was even up.
Since he has decided that he will be doing all of the feeding himself now we decided to get him a few plates. He loves them and after the first use he wanted to play with them for a while.
I'm not sure how easy it is to tell but he eats most of his meals at home shirtless now because they end up all over his face and belly. He had a little chocolate cheescake for dessert this day and was wearing most of it as a mustache.
There is the mustache! This is something new as well. He has figured out how to jam his foot in the rainling and get a little boost so that he can watch the birds and the squirrels from the front porch.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love the shades...are you sure that he didn't wake up with a headache and needed to wear the sunglasses...been there done that! I can remember putting down plastic and letting you all eat with only a diaper on. Messy, messy, messy! Just wait, Ellis will be doing the circus walk on the banister before long.

sheltonfamily said...

Love the pics! We are glad your mbp finally got there! Stressful huh? How are you feeling? When is the due date? Ellie is quite the messy eater also... it is always a big task! She loves to dip stuff as well which makes it even more messy. Hope you all have a great Easter!