Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a Busy Weekend!

Trevor's best friend, the best man in our wedding, Geoff was in town visting his wife, Dana's dad over the weekend so we spent most of Friday hanging out with them. It was tons of fun to see them it has been three years and three babies between us so we just hung out at a nearby mall and let the kids play while we sat and talked. Its funny how normal things are with close frineds when you are together again eventhough you have been apart for so long.
This is Liberty, Eden (who we hadn't met) and Ellis. As you can tell the girls were trying to coax him into the picture but he wasn't really going to have that. Unfortunately I didn't even get a picture of their youngest, Sterling, but he is really cute and I laughed at how layed back he was. Dana said that he kew he was the third born and he had learned to deal with it very early in life. I was the most bummed that I didn't get a picture of Trevor and Geoff together but I guess that means we will just have to see them again.
Oma and Opa were at a conference over the weekend and met us for dinner on Friday and then came home with us to spend the night only to get up and have to go home again in the morning. It was a short trip but we always love getting to see them. Ellis made sure to show Opa how to play the drum and then they improvised on the suitcases.

We have been having a hard time getting Ellis to drink his milk. He is to skinny to miss much of it so we had been holding a straw in it just to get him to drink any extra. After having breakfast with Oma and Opa we made a quick trip to get Ellis a new cup with a straw attatched. He hasn't stopped drinking since so I guess it worked.

When we got home we discovered a little treat from Oma and Opa. Ellis loved it!

You would never know though.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks Like lots of fun! Guess Ellis must have some of Gammy's chocolate genes...yumm!

sheltonfamily said...

I will have to try the sippy cup with a straw... we are struggling to get the milk down as well... I'm impressed that Ellis makes it through youth group... I can only stay until the music is over cause then Ellie wants to disrupt her dad's messages! Oh well! We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

that would be a perfect picture for a valenties day card!