Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bye Bye to the crew

Ellis really grew to love Michael while he was here. Yesterday he would follow him around and try to give him hugs and kisses. At one point Michael sat down in this chair and Ellis tried and tried to sit up in his lap. He never really learned to say Michael but he would just yell at the top of his lungs and expect Michael to come running. I think that could have something to do with the fact that loud is about the only tone Michael speaks in.
Every night we got a kick out of walking in to see Michael's sleeping position. I just missed a good one with this shot. He had just rolled over from a back position with his hands behind his head. Emmy said at night he would lay there and rub her face. I'm just glad that Sarah Beth was my sleeping partner.
We left early for the ride to the airport so that we could have one last meal together. We ended up stopping at Johnny Carino's. Michael, Ellis, and I were the only ones that had been there but Michael didn't remember until they brought the bread. Ellid loved his apple juice to the point that I wasn't sure he was going to even eat his mac and cheese. Man did he prove me wrong. He ate every last bite of it. He is becoming very independant when it comes to feeding himself which can make for an incredible mess when the mac and cheese is soupy, you have no bib, and they give you a soup spoon to eat it with. We ended up switching to a Baskin Robbins spoon that was still in the daper bag and he loved every minute of it.
Michael had been talking about spaghetti and meatballs so I was a little surprised when he ordered pizza. He kept saying how great it was so Em, Sarah Beth and I took a bite and decided that we may get that next time. It was really good. Oh, and don't worry he did finish that last slice.
This morning Ellis keeps walking into the guest room saying bye bye. Hopefully he will get it all figured out when Daddy comes home today.

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Every once in awhile Michael will tell an Ellis story. Not too much detail but at least it is a story about his trip to KS. Just don't ask him any questions about it. He will tell us about it on his own time. I guess we will have to come up with a sign for Michael...something to so with a train I am guessing.
I can't imagine why you say that Michael is loud. This week I even got to hear the birds in the morning because it was so quiet.
So, when is the next big trip?