Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday

Trevor left on Friday to take a bunch of middle school kids to a confrence in OK so Ellis and I were on our own this weekend. Friends from church had us over for dinner on Saturday so that was a real life saver for me. Ellis is getting more teeth so it was good for him to get some interaction with other kids so he could forget about it for a while. This is his buddy Morgan (we were at her house) Morgan's mom Vicki, me and Ellis, and Camdyn and Sarah.

We got all dressed up for the Super Bowl party tonight at church. He had to wear Broncos because that was all that he had in the right colors. Trevor and I had decided a while ago to cheer for the Bears because there is a boy in the youth group, Luke, who is a huge fan. Ellis actually brought his football with him but once he saw all of the big boys playing basketball during the commercials he changed his preference for the day. I can't believe it but he can actually pick the ball up and walk around with it and then he motions for you to pick him up and hold him up to the basket.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

You are so lucky...looks like Ellis has lots of good friends to grow up with in church...maybe another BFF club is on the way. And it also sounds like you will be spending lots of time driving back and forth to practices and sitting in the stands watching all the games...I don't like Ellis is going to care just as long as there is a ball involvd.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we have devil children in their pictures from Vicky's! Gotta love what blue eyes do in the camera! They are lucky to have so many kids their age to grow up with in the church! It's going to be fun to watch them grow!

Anonymous said...

Well Molly adn Dustin better watch out I think that Ellis might give them a run for their money!