Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Spring is Coming

Trevor's day off was gorgeous so we decided to spend a few hours at the park. Ellis had a blast playing on the train, going down the slide and swinging on nearly every swing that he saw.

I think I told you that he knows how to say's one of his favorite words.

He must have still had a few pieces left when I put him in his seat.

Just trying on daddy's shoes.

I took them for a walk in Ellis' wagon once their afternoon naps were over. Camdyn was having a hard time staying up when the wagon was moving so we put her in her car seat and went around the block. She kicked her feet the whole ride and Ellis waved to all of the dogs.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! The train, the hat, the big smile, the cookie...the whole day but the best for me was Ellis walking down the street holding Cassies's hand. I can't wait until Michael see the pictures tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

you didn't have much too say but I loved the pictures! The one with his BIG shoes is the best he better get used to big feet!