Saturday, February 17, 2007

Out of Commision

It has been over a week since I have udated everyone and its killing me but all of this time it has been that either I haven't felt up to it or Ellis hasn't felt up to it. I had a nasty virus last weekend that kept me in my pj's for a few days and the shortly after that Ellis came down with something. It turns out that he and Camdyn had the same thing so they both made a trip to the doctor on Tuesday so we didn't get to play. The doctor told us that he just had a cold and some white spots in the back of his throat so she tested for strep and thankfully that came back negative. Thursday he had his 15 month appointment and she said his throat looked better but he may still be fussy becasue he had little blood blisters on his gums where his 1 year molars are coming in. Other than that she seemed happy with his progress. He was 21 pounds and 8 ounces which is only the 10%. She said not to worry about that but that it would be okay if we wanted to feed him foods that we wouldn't regularly eat ourselves like creams, butters and gravys. I have forgetten how tall he was but he is in the 75% so I guess he is destined to be long and lanky like his folks. His head is in the 95%. My mom wasn't at all surprised with that. She says he has a big head just like me. His pediatrician seemed to be impressed with how many words he could say too. He is only supposed to be able to say 3-4 other than mom and dad right now and once I started counting I was surpried with what we came up with. He can say hi, bye, mom, dad, ball, uh oh, help, more, all done, please, cookie, toothbrush, shoes and I'm sure there are some I'm not thinking of right now. My favorite word that he says is shoes because he is so dramatic in the way that he forms his lips to get the "shhhh" sound out.
Like I said Ellis and I just hung out in our pj's there for a few days last week and I had to get this picture to show you how many curls he has now. This was right out of the bath tub so they were still little ringlets. After he takes a nap he usually still has a few and then an additional dread lock and fuzz where his bald spot used to be.

He still loves to wear hats. He doesn't actually say it yet but he sometimes signs that he wants one by walking to the coat closet and hitting the top of his head.

He seems to have made another connection in his little brain that if he has a hat on that means he can go outside. Never mind the coat I guess the scarf will do. He actually opened the coat closet on this day and found his old hat that it to small on the floot and then some how got it on his head. He then made his way to the door and kept knocking expectantly.

Im not sure what the banana has to do with the whole idea but he does still love them, so much so that sometimes when we get one out to ask him if he would like some he starts breathing heavy and squeals.

This is an idea that I came up with when I was sick and didn't have the strength to push him around all day. He loves his truck but hasn't figured out how to move it with his own feet yet so I sat in the middle on the floor and moved him in a circle around me like a merry-go-round to the point that it started making me dizzy.

This isn't the greatest picture of it but I think you will get the idea. We were laughing so hard. We went to get him out of his crib this morning and he only had one sock on. We kept saying hey where is you sock and he would look at his feet. One time when he looked he must have seen some fuzz frome his socks stuck between his toes becasue he started picking like a little monkey and then wanted to hand it to me. Once I had recieved his toe jam he went back to picking. I don't think he was really getting anything but it became more of a performance because he had his audience's full attention and we were cracking up. Trevor and I kept signing "more" and he kept sitting back down to pick at his toes to the point that he even took his other sock off. Of course when I got the camera out the show was over.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Wow, a novella. I love it. I am grinning from ear to ear. I remember when you woke up from a nap your hair would be in ringlets and fuzzball hair. Glad to hear that everyone is finally feeling better. And yes he is a skinny minnie just like his Mom. I'll have to get out your baby book and look to see that your stats were at 15-18 months. Love the hats and scarf. Always ready to go...that's the Ellis way isn't it.
And a snack in the car...Michael has taught him the important things of life.

Anonymous said...

how cute is he! dreads now that it my kind of guy!