Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Favorites

This is just a side note, but we have been wondering who the person is that has been commenting as anonymous in the last few posts. If it is you, when you are finished typing just leave your name at the bottom. We love to know that friends and family are checking up on us.
I'm not sure, I guess it could be wishful thinking but I do think that Ellis is musically inclined. He just loves instruments. He still loves to play with his drumsticks and the other day we were at Sams and he saw a drumset a few aisles over and kept whining for me to head in that direction. I wasn't sure what it was he wanted until we got over there and he wanted to climb up on the display. Friday night he took his harmonica to one of the guys basketball games and today his preference has been his daddy's guitar. I'm sure I will have a hard time getting him to come in out of the mud and rocks to practice the instrument that he chooses, but for now I will dream of how he will thank me when he is in his 20s!
He has discovered granola bars. I had bought them for myself but he thinks that he is entitled to anything that Trevor or I have so he likes them as well. I guess this is a good thing, because he will fit in with Mayzee, Henry, and Aria so well. I feel like almost every time one of them wakes up from their nap you hear them asking for a "nola" bar.

He must like them more than Trevor and I realized because there were 12 in the box, he and I have eaten 2 and there were only two remaining in the box at my last check. We have checked the usuall hiding spots (the heating vent, Camdyn's chair, behind the TV, and in his toy box) but they remain lost. I imagine this sly little grin was on his face whenever he took them for safe keeping.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Lovethe look. And I hope that Ellis is filled with music....we know that is has to have come from the Oakes side.

Anonymous said...

Don't you wish you knew! haha

Anonymous said...

I know you can figure it out!!! just look at all of them and see what they say! it is kinda like where's waldo

Anonymous said...

He is definitely a music lover...could be fun in the future especially if he sticks with his love of the drums!