Friday, February 09, 2007

Fun with Another Box

Wednesday afternoons we ended up at the church a little early and just hang out with the Barnes a find ways to help the kids waste time until it is time for the evening program to start. Ellis found two boxes in the office and we spent a little time building towers but he really started having fun when Camdyn's dad Matt turned hers into a car. Ellis' became a car as well but his liked to crash. He likes to "crash" everything he can find.

We have starteed doing small groups at the church on Wednesday nights. M y girls group tends to run a little long so when I went to get Ellis in the nursery this is what I found.


Anonymous said...

Cassie, Rocky & Remington & I just love these pictures & stories about you guys & Ellis! Makes us feel like where right there with you. Enjoyed the brief chat with Trev. last night. Got cut off & have no idea where he was when we tried to call back. Tell him I'll have Rocky call when he gets back from Uganda! love all of y'all! Bev

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Finally able to leave a message....BOXES are the greatest toys any kid can have. Remember when you were little and Dad would bring big boxes home and you and Emmy, Jimmy and Michael Paul, would make cities out of them? Nothing better.