Sunday, January 21, 2007


Last night was the first big snow here. We had a big ice storm last weekend but it wasn't really that fun because you couldn't play in it. The trees were so pretty this morning and the yard looked untouched except for a few paw prints from our neighbors cat. The first mile to church Ellis just kept pointing out the window and laughing. At first I just thought he was happy and then I realized that he was actually laughing at the snow. I would love to see things through his eyes. It takes nearly nothing to make him giggle and almost anything, to him, deserves a "wow."

Trevor had a meeting today before youth group and when that happens Ellis and I usually just wait around and play at the church so that we don't have to drive two cars but today we had fun! We dropped Trevor off and then ran to the store to buy a sled. We were hoping to catch some friends from church but we just missed them. We had fun sledding anyway. I actually think he had more fun watching the other kids, so much so that I couldn't get him to look at me for even one picture. Tomorrow Trevor has promised to come with us so check back I'm sure that you will get a few more pictures of the whole family playing in the white stuff.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love the looks of your snow! And it sounds like Ellis is going to like the snow as much as we do. So now we have to figure out how to all gt together to play in the snow. Can't wait to see the other pictures.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Checkout our snowman.

valurena said...

oh, that looks like so much fun! we had snow here too but i was lame and didn't get luke out in it (i've had the worst cold). you are inspiring me. maybe i'll let luke get in it after work today.