Saturday, January 20, 2007

Playing on the Step

We havent really done much at the house lately so the pictures and stories may seem a little scarce. We have been noticing how grown up Ellis seems to be now. He understand us more and more. This doesn't mean that he actually obeys when we ask him to do something but I guess thats a process. Everything in his sight is something new to him that he wants to see, touch, taste, and hear all of it. This drum has been one of his favorite toys lately. He actually sat still for about 15 minutes the other day to bang on it. Yesterday Trevor put it on Ellis' shoulder and they walked into the kithchen to show me.

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

He looks so big! Also looks like he might be singing. I can just see the middle school band and chorus concerts. What fun! Always my favorites! Video them for me!