Saturday, January 13, 2007

From One Extreme to The Other

It really has been from one extreme to the other here in so many ways. First there is the weather. Thursday we tied a record high of someting like 64 and today there is snowy ice mix on the ground with 2-5 inches on the way tomorrow. I think todays high was 24 degrees and that was at midnight! I just don't like the cold. The other thing I don't like is how fast Ellis' attitude can change. One minute he is happy as can be playing hide and go seek and then he throws a fit when Trevor and I won't carry him over to his toys, or give him the pen he was chewing on. Usually when he acts like this we just get out of the house, its amazing what a change of scenery can do but it is too cold to just roam around the city looking for something to do to keep us busy. I guess we will have to last for a few more days all alone in the house. Thank goodness for the truck that he has discovered he can ride and the promise of church tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

oh, the joys of parenthood. It takes me back to a time when you were small and the fits you used the throw. Just getting outside helps. I remember making you brother run around the house. Just put another layer on!