Tuesday, January 16, 2007

We are Walking!!

When we picked Ellis up from the nursery on Sunday they said "he has been walking everywhere." If they ignored that fact that he was walking he kept right at it but if they clapped or gave him a good job he just sat down and went back to crawling as if to say that he does not do performances. Ever since then he has been a walking fool. He is kinda funny to watch, he keeps his hands up and just kinda waddles around the room.

I guess with walking come quite a few other things, one of them being injuries. Right after they told us that he had been walking everywhere in the nursery they also told us that he had climbed the slide and gone down head first into the shelves of toys. The blood is not from the nursery though. The blood actually came last night after his bath. He was playing around in his room and while walking to his toy box he must have caught a snag in the rug or something becasue he took a bite out of the toybox....or maybe I should say, it took a bite out of him! I couldn't actually tell what he had done because there was so much blood but this morning when he woke up there was a peice of skin hanging down on his top lip so that must be where it happened. Can you believe he actually smiled for the picture.
Today was another day with Camdyn, probably our best yet. Ellis learned how to take her paci out today but when I say no Ellis, he puts it right back in. They both think it is a game because she just sits there and lets him do it.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm sure that this is the first of all the blood. Looks like a pretty good bleeder. But you should be used to that....your brother was in the ER so much that they knew him by name and they kept a running total of his stitches. Oh, the joys of motherhood. Just be glad that your Dad or Pepaw weren't they. One would be passed out and the other would be doing laps in your dining room. Maybe the next thing we should send you is your very own ER kit? I'll see if I can find all the stuff from Bryce's injury prone years. Boys will be boys!

Anonymous said...

That blood picture is too funny...Camdyn looks like she is glaring at someone! I am glad things just keep getting better, definitely makes it all a lot easier for me.