Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ellis and I took a little trip to Wv for family Christmas. It wasn't really like it usually is because we were the only ones there, but I have to say we kinda liked it because we got all of the attention.
Our first trip was to the rehab place that Peep has been staying at for a while to rehab after his knee surgery. Ellis enjoyed himself becasue Peepaw spoiled him with cookies. When he started to get bored Peepaw got in his wheelchair and I pushed the two of them around until Aunt Raree and Molly got there. All of the "girls" in the nursing home section liked him and informed me that it was much to cold outside for me not to hav a coat on him.

From there we went to Chilis for a little lunch with Raree and Molly. I didn't think that Ellis would want anything becasue Peep had given him so many cookies but as soon as the dessert came out he was sticking his fingers in the carmel. He even picked up a spoon and helped himself (which he has never done before).

Ellis fell asleep on the way to Mam and Pap's but as soon as he woke up he was ready to go, and it was a good thing because Papaw was born ready! They loved playing the guitar together. Ellis would bob his head up and down while shaking his leg so hard he was almost falling over.

When Pap wasn't playing they were rocking and singing the baby song. They had so much fun that Ellis learned to say Papaw.
He loved seeing his Mamaw as well and he must have wanted most of his tricks to be for her eyes only because as soon as Pap left we grabbed a little stool off of the hearth so Ellis could take a seat and he just stood up and took 4 steps. She kept saying "oh he took his first steps at Mamaw's house." We just can't wait to show daddy!

He had a blast opening his presents at their house, which I thought was funny because it was the first (and last one) that he actually seemed to enjoy ripping into.

We didn't get to stay long but before we left we had to make Ellis' measurement mark. My grandparents have a doorway in between there dining room and living room that shows the growth of their grandchildren... and many friends and family members. I remember when I was smaller, loving being able to see how many inches my year had added. It was crazy to see how much Ellis had grown in one year.
After leaving Mam and Pap's we went back over to see Peep, and of course eat some more cookies. We got Ellis' pjs on and thought that our adventure was just about over.............I say we thought.....

Ellis had been asleep for about an hour and I was a little less than halfway back to Cincy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it but there was nothing I could do, in a split second I had hit a deer. I remember mom hitting a duck once on the way to church, Emmy cried. I wish it would have been a duck, I think I would have been a lot more calm. Ellis slept through the whole thing, including while I talked to the state police and sat waiting in a gas station waiting for my dad and uncle to get there. Neither of us were hurt at all but as you can see I can't say the same for the car. Dad drove the van all the way home and we are both so worn out today.

Mom and I took Michael to school today and when he walked out and saw the car he looked at me with an angry face, stomped his foot and said "you really did hit a reindeer with my car, now we are going to have to get a new car. Did it have a red nose?" He was so worried that it was one of santa's reindeer that I had to tell him that this deer didn't fly becasue if it did it would have flown out of my way.


Miss Yvonne said...

Oh Cassie, there are so many bad jokes going through my head that I can't list them all. Reindeer got run over by grandma is just one of them (well grandma's car anyway). All Dale and Kyle want to know is how big was the rack and if you saved the head for them. Also we have an aunt who eats the heart. Did you save any venison for Bryce?

The Oakes said...

I'm so sorry you had to endure the whole process on the side of the road...I am thankful you are all okay and Micahel continues to crack me up.

Glad to know my son can walk...anxcious for your return.

Don't hit anymore deer.


Anonymous said...

Food for Trevor, Cassie and Ellis visit $375.00
Dining out $276.36
Gas back and forth to the airport $128.93
Having a grandson priceless!!

The Oakes said...

i'm surprised, he didn't even mention how much it is going to cost to get the van fixed.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.