Sunday, December 31, 2006

The New Years Party

Yesterday was such a busy day! We got up in the morning and got ready to get a family picture. We all met at Eden Park and my friend John Black met us there to take the shots. It was quite the adventure trying to get 9 people to look at the lens and smile at the same time, especially with one of them being only 1 year old. Once those were finished we went to lunch with the Napiers and hurried home so that Trevor could pack. We were both so tired from the night before. Emmy brought two kids that she babysits for over and all of the "kids" played board games. It was a lot of fun but it made the drive to the airport a little tiring. Trevor got off just fine, even without his liscence!!

Some of the guys went the the Bengals/Steelers game today but most of us stayed home to cook for this evenings party. I'm not sure if Michael really knew what we were cooking for but he did want to help. He shared stirring turns with Sarah Beth.

Ellis has found a new hiding place. There have been a few times that we weren't sure if he had crawled up the stairs again without us knowing but thankfully we always saw a little white sock sticking out from beneath a chair.

Another favorite activity today was looking for "balls". There were a few oranges on the bottom shelf of the fridge. He climbed up into it and got two balls to play with.

Once Michael figured out what the party was for and that it was at our house he decided that we had to make some decorations and he made a list of all of the evenings activities, and people that were invitited.

The most important thing on his list was a hamburger eating contest???? Don't ask becasue no one really understood. He of course won, because he was the only contestant.

I made him a crown for his prize that said "I won the 2007 Hamburger eating race."


The Oakes said...

Sounds like fun!

Sorry I missed the show...we had a good time at our Lock-IN and tell Michael not to worry I had time to make some decorations.

Have fun and tell my son hello.

Dad to Ellis

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having fun...but I hate to say we need a new i know how everyone felt when it took me forever to post a new one. I hear Ellis is slowly mastering walking, can't wait to see it in person!