Friday, December 08, 2006

In Hibernation

Today is basically the first day in almost a week that Ellis and I have been out of the house. After my last blog I went home to find Ellis asleep on Trevor with another high fever. We called the doctor and she said to come right in. We found out that he not only had pink eye and a bad cold but he also had double ear infections and a temp of 104.3. She gave us scripts for ear drops and an antibiotic and said to give him motrin every four hrs. "He is a sick little puppy" She instructed us that if his fever got to 105 to call her and she would likely admit him into the hospital. We took him home and gave him a cool bath and got some pjs on and after the first dose of medicine his ever started dropping. His eyes look so much better and the drippage from his nose is finally clear! He hadn't been eating for me and had actually lost a pound since last week but we knew he was feeling better when he scarfed down baked spaghetti. The bad news is that we gave one of our favorite baby sitters, Sasha pink eye! She baby sat for us last Friday and when she came over to watch him again last night so that we could celebrate our anniversary she asked if we thought she might have it. I haven't talked to her today but I feel pretty sure that she has it too......sorry Sasha!!
I think Ellis going to have a hard time not being catered to. I guess he thought it was pretty nice having everyone at his beck and call all of the time because now he gets so mad and throws tantrums if we don't carry him everywhere. He just sits where we placed him and screams while pointing at what he wants for a while. I hope it only takes a few days of ignoring him for him to figure out that it doesn't work like that.

After Trevor and I went for dinner last night we went and got our Christmas tree. We thought that trying to set it up and decorating it while Ellis was at our feet would be a little much to handle so this is the reaction that he gave us this morning when he first saw it.

Looks like we are going to have our hands full for the next few weeks making sure that he doesn't climb the tree. Don't worry there are only plastic and wooden ornaments on the bottom within his arms reach!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Sounds like a long haul for you guys. If it isn't one thing it is another. I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

cassie!!! got your message yesterday...sorry you have been so sick! glad though that i could help you out in some areas though...hahaha. i'll give you a call sometime today. good to hear ellis is feeling better! :)

Anonymous said...

well I think that mom may have had a good idea with decorating the tree with toys. well at least you have a tree which is more than I can say for us. Well I have trouble keeping my "kids" off the ornaments too.