Monday, December 11, 2006

I Should've Kept My Mouth Shut

So .......when I wrote the last post I really did think that we were in the clear, boy was I wrong!!!!!
Saturday morning Ellis woke us up at the normal time and Trevor and I both went in to get him but by the time I had changed his diaper I knew something was up. I told Trevor that he was going to have to take him and I just kinda layed on the couch for the whole hr Ellis was up. When he went back to bed so did I. He slept for 3 hours, I however did not! Most of the time I spent in the bathroom. (I will spare you the details) We were so thankful that Ellis slept through all of it. At one point I passed out, I guess from being so sick. I spent the rest of the day in bed, really only seeing Trevor when I called him on my cell phone to come and empty my bucket. I was soooo sick. At about 9pm I finally felt like I could venture out of bed and from then on I started feeling better. On Sunday morning the plan was for Trevor to take Ellis to church with him and I would stay home so as not to get anyone else sick.....(like Sasha, who, I didn't know it but she already was...weird!) We woke up on Sunday and Trevor was following my pattern of Saturday so I made some phone calls and we all stayed home from church. Thankfully Ellis has showed no signs of sickness he is finally back to his happy self.

We got the box of toys from his birthday last Friday and it couldn't have come at a better time. One of his favorite things is the dump truck that Peep got him. He loves to walk with it but he really likes to fill the back of the truck with other toys and then take them out so that he can put them back in again.

Ellis took full advantage of the fact that Trevor and I have felt like we have neglected him while we were sick. He stole a cookie from me after he had already eaten breakfast. (yes, I was having a cookie for breakfast, I learned it from em and raree) Before lunch he had a sucker that Trevor gave him.

This is just another face that I think is funny. He was probably singing or just talking to us.

We played a cd that he got for his birthday for him today. It has tons of kid songs on it. He loved it. Trevor tried to get him to stand up and dance with him but he would have no part of that. He just wanted to sit right in front of the cd player and bounce up and down.

Oh look another treat from daddy! If any of you are wondering why we have to pull Ellis' teeth when he is 10 refer back to this picture. This is one of my no nos and as I turned the corner from the kitchen Ellis had a dark dribble on his chin and Trevor had a sly grin.


Anonymous said...

Cassie, you failed to mention that you called me right in the middle of our Santa Train Ride to the North Pole to tell me you had passed out. Poor Trevor!
Cookies for breakfast...I know for a fact that your mother taught you's anything chocolate! Seems like I have seen that silly Ellis face somethere else...maybe 20 some years ago?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are all feeling better. It has definitely been a while since we have seen Ellis' smiling face! Hopefully you are all done being sick for a long while!

Anonymous said...

I've scheduled time off for Ellis's first haircut. A buzz?
I can't wait.
