Friday, December 29, 2006

Ellis Family Christmas

Our last day at Oma and Opa's Ellis spent most of his day with his cousins and grandma. The rest of us went to see The Good Shepherd. Trevor decided to get a little snack when we got home and used Ellis as his excuse to get an extra large peice. We got up in the morning and started to pack only to find out that Trevor's dad had come down with something very similar to what we had a few weeks ago. I really hope it only lasted a few hours. Oma ended up driving us half way to meet my mom where we stopped for lunch and then made to trip to Cincy.
My family waited for us to celebrate Christmas and it has caused a little confusion. All of Michael's friends got a visit from Santa a few days ago and he was woried that Santa had skipped him. Last night we decided to get everyone into the Christmas spirit and go check out some lights. Their is a family here that puts on a light display that is computerized and set to music. It got so big last year that their house was in a commercial and on the news so they did it at a park near my parents house tis year. It was really cool.

We gave Ellis a bath and put him in PJs before we left because we knew that he would likely fall asleep.

We thought we were lost on the way there so we sent mom in to get directions. We had to get a shot of that becasue the roles tend to be reversed in our doesn't ask for directions!!

We all got up early to see what Santa had brought. Ellis didn't really get it, he was just glad that the dogs were here.

Michael peeked around the corner and said "he really did come."

It was presents galore and then off to bed for a nap.

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'll have you know that I am not afraid to ask for directions..thanks for the got my best side. I don't care what you all say...I thinked the light show. It was awesome and worth the ride. Just wait until next year to see what I have up my sleeve.