Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas with Oma and Opa

This morning was Christmas with the Oakes. We all opened our stockings. Ellis got two of his favorites; Life cereal, and Goldfish and a flap book. He did pretty well watching everyone open there presents. He also got to open two presents. One was a bathtub toy that we tried out tonight and the other was this cute turtle stuffed animal named Franklin. Franklin comes from a series of books that I guess we will have to look for at the library. When he opened it he started laughing. They have become fast friends, Franklin even took a nap with him today.
After nap time Ellis and Aria were getting a little stir crazy so we went over to the church to play in the nursery. They had a blast. Ellis went down the slide over and over again, threw balls at Aria, and walked around all over the place (does the walker look familiar).
Tonight was the big Christmas dinner. Ellis must have known that he was coming because apparently he saved some space. He ate like I have honestly never seen him eat before, I was afraid that some of it was going to come up for lack of room. He had 2 servings of lasagna, garlic bread, corn, yogurt, and 7 layer dessert

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trevor: I will update soon! Sorry to disappoint!