Sunday, November 05, 2006

What to carry and where to look?

I think that we have figured out that Ellis just likes to carry things with him. At first we thought he just liked his spoons and forks and then we thought that he really liked straws but I think it is just anything that he can carry. Lately it has been the baby monitor. He found it on the window one day and it has been his toy ever since.

He is pulling up like crazy now and loves to stand at the window. This, I think is his favorite window because sometimes daddy is out there making us burgers.

It is time for birthdays at our church. The "Irish triplets" as they call them at church are turning one in the coming days. Yesterday we went Isaacs birthday party. He had cupcakes and ice cream, lots of games and he gave Ellis a bag of safari snacks to take home. Morgan's birthday is next and then Ellis brings up the rear.


Anonymous said...

I love his shirt! I think I have seen that before.

Maybe we should get him a small backpack to carry all his stuff.

The birthday party looks like lots of fun. Can't wait till we have ours.

Anonymous said...

well are you sure he belongs to you guys and not uncle terry because he likes to clean and carry around monitors. maybe next he will wnat to start chasing fire trucks and amianses(hope sharee britt doesn't see that!)