Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Drums and Brooms

The bug got his first birthday present on Sunday. I know I have mentioned Alyn before, she and her family got Ellis a bee bop band and brought it to church for him on Sunday. He loves it! It has a tambourine, xylophone, drum, shaker, clapper....and his favorite of all, drumsticks. It should come as know surprise that the drumsticks have now been just about everywhere with us. We took the to the library, the grocery store, everywhere in the car, and even to bed. Isaac got the same toy for his birthday so he was showing Ellis how it was done.
We are learning tons of new things at our house and cleaning is one of them...yipee. I really hope that he continues to like it because if he does I get a broom for him that is just his size and he can sweep to his hearts content. Right now he just likes to drag it around the house.

Most of you know that we have been trying to get the hold your own cup thing down for some time now. A friend at church said that she was able to get her daughter to do it by laying her on a pillow and propping her back. A few days ago I thought we would give it a try. Ellis would have no part in laying on the pillow and doing it himself but if he can lay on mommy or daddy and drink his milk he will likely finish the whole cup. He is one stubborn kid.
He is sitting under the coffee table here and I think he looks so mischievous, like he stole a cookie from the cookie jar.

It was actually a carrot, and I think I will let him steal one of those whenever he likes.

He has also started to give kisses. The nasty face Im making is because he is also quite the multi-tasker. He was eating Life cereal and giving mommy kisses at the same time. I always did hate soggy cereal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael says...4 more days!

What are you talking about...soggy kisses...they are the best! YUCK!Maybe Ellis has some of his Uncle Terry in him...he loves to clean also. (and have friends over to sit on the furnace)

We can hardly wait until you all get here. Michael has a bucket of toys for Ellis to play with.