Thursday, November 23, 2006


A Thanksgiving to remember......if you only knew. It started out good, but let me just tell you we started to worry when we learned the hard way that you shouldn't put peppercorns, thyme, and rosemary down the drain. After a few hour we ended up calling roto rooter. I'll spare you the details!

Once we got that problem figured out dinner was great!! Ellis didn't like the green beans and Henry didn't care for the turkey but the rest of us liked every bit of it. Jeff even had a taste of the squash casserole. Once Ellis finished his turkey he made his way to the dog bowls. He loves Ethan and Baxter and likes to stand at the window and watch the dogs run around in the backyard.
After dinner Jen and I decided to take the kids out for a little fresh air. I played the Mayzee and Henry on their play set while she, Aria, and Ellis hung out on the swing. I taught Mayz and Henry a version of Row Row Your Boat that Sarah Barnes taught me....if you see a crocodile don't forget to scream and they have been singing it ever since. Since the girls were in the kitchen most of the day it was the guys job to clean up and once they were finished it was family picture time. There are 13 of us and 5 of those are under the age of 5 so you can imagine how that went. Once we got an okay one we got a picture of all of the grandkids together. During the intermission of picture taking we were well entertained by the goose. She danced and sang along to an old Disney record. Currently we are sitting in the basement playing a "how well do you know you movies" dvd game. This is why I am blogging. Trevor's brothers are big time movie watchers, so I have no chance. Karen has been teaching me how to crochet. She was originally going to teach me to make some booties but we decided that was a little to difficult so I'm doing a scarf and she if doing the booties for me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just one question...are you sure that the blonde child is part of the family?

Looks like you had a grand old time in KY

Well, Dorothy, looks like it is time for you to head back to KS...