Monday, November 13, 2006

Ellis turns one!

Today was Ellis' first birhtday and in my opinion he really did it right! He started his day off by sleeping in and Trevor and I really couldn't think of a better way to start a day than that. He had oatmeal for breakfast and since it was his birthday I said he could have the special treat of brown sugar in it. (I'm not really sure if he even noticed.) After his nap he only wanted cheese for lunch, so that is what he had.

I made his cupcakes during his second nap and when he woke up we took a few over to our neighbors so they could celebrate too. Neither Shelby or Rachel wanted to sing to him but they did say happy birthday and loved the cupcakes

We had the Greers over for dinner. We tried a new recipe my friend Julie Butler sent me a while back, the adults liked it but Ellis loved it! I gave him one bowl before they got there but then Dale ended up giving him another bowl while I was getting all of the food on the table. During dinner Ellis found the present that they had brought for him so we stopped for a second so that he could open it. Sasha helped him rattle the paper in the bag and that was good enough for him. She finally just dumped it out for him. They got him a stuffed animal cat but had it "wrapped" in a box that made it appear to be real. I think most of you know that Trevor doesn't like cats much so it is kind of a running joke with them. Matthew and Marsha even said on his 2nd bday it would be a real one. We decided to name the cat Miles, much to Sasha's dismay (she was pulling for Alice) The bag that came with the cat was animal crackers...."cat and kid food".

After dinner Ellis dug into his cupcake. He loved the candle.....I'm hoping that this is not a prediction of a future of fire loving because I don't know that I have the patience of Trevor's mom. At first he didn't see to sure of the cupcake but when he found out that if he took a bite and dropped it that Dale would pick it up for him and they could do it all over again, it really became fun! He ate most of it and after a while of crawling around on the floor came back and discovered what was on the floor and finished it off. All in all it was a great birthday.

I have been wondering how the commemoration of his first year would feel to me for some time now. I feel like I have had so many people say oh just really enjoy it and don't miss a thing, a lady in the grocery store on Friday even said sit back and try to remember every minute of it when her daughter asked me how old he was. I don't know that I enjoyed this day anymore than any other day that I spend with him but I do have to say that in the last few months so many times Trevor and I have stopped and looked at one another with smiles and said "just look at him" or peeked in after he had been asleep for a few hours and just enjoyed the sight of it. It is hard to imagine being capable of loving someone as much as this little one has stolen our hearts. One of my favorite songs is by Sara Groves, its is called You Cannot Lose My Love and for me it says it best.
You will lose your baby teeth
At times you'll lose your faith in me
You will lose a lot of things
But you cannot lose my love

You may lose you appetite
Your guiding sense of wrong and right
You may lose your will to fight
But you cannot lose my love

You will lose you confidence
In times of trial you common sense
You may lose your innocence
But you cannot lose my love

Many things can be misplaced
Your very memories be erased
No matter what the time or space
You cannot lose my love
You cannot lose
You cannot lose
You cannot lose my love


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great way to start birthday week!

A cat...I love it!

I always knew you would be a great Mom. It makes me proud to know that you have a Mom's heart and that you are feeling the way that I feel about ALL our kids...and there have been a few. Love the Sara Groves make me cry. Now I think I will go get all the baby books and special pictures and have myself a good cry. Happy Birthday..Dad, Mom and Ellis.

Anonymous said...

I think that this song sums it up better.... you can run you can hide but you can't escape my love. and you can dance to it.

Anonymous said...

congratulations cassie! for some reason i feel as if moms (and dads) should be congratulated on their child's 1st birthday. a lot happens in your childs first year of life and most of the time it's trial and error type learning. now that you've hit the 1 year milestone you and trevor can face anything....twins, triplets...haha!

it looks like your through a nice 1 year party for ellis. he's such a cutie!

love ya,

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling Cas and it only gets better. There are days when ya think..I'm gonna....but it always comes back. The things you do for your children..the things you will do to someone who hurts your child. ( 6 mts in the pen for battery is worth defending every inch of your child) hahah kidding. It odd how your children grow and change but your heart stays full. When we decided to have our second child, I was so concerned that I couldn't ever possibally love another like the first....yep ya can... Can't wait to see you guys...

Anonymous said...

gosh that kid must have really gotten beat by the ugly stick I have never seen a kid that is less photogenic