Thursday, November 16, 2006

Airport, Airport, and more Airport

Wow, what a day. These pictures were taken before we found out what fun we would have. We spent most of the day today traveling to Cincinnati for a mixture of things. The begining of the week is National Youth Leaders, a conference that Trevor and I are going to, the middle of the week will be Thanksgiving with my family and birthday parties for Ellis, and then we will finish out our time here by going to Lexington for Thanksgiving with Trevor's side of the family.
Anyway back to today... We thought that it was going to be perfect, and I guess it could've been if it would have gone according to plan. We were supposed to be here at 11:30 but just after we took the pictures we found out that our flight had been postponed indefinitely and that we would have to change our flight. We were given an hour later flight into Chicago Midway with an hour layover and then the short flight to Indy were my mom picked us up. We spent what seemed like forever waiting for the third bag in our trio and currently we only have a seems there is still one red bag still in route and trevor will at least be wearing a different pair of shoes tomorrow but I can't say there will be much else about him that will be different....if you know what I mean. They promised that it would be delivered today, but you know how that goes!! We didn't get to Indy until 2:30, we waited for the bag for what seemed like forever, and Hit Cincy rush hour so that put us well behind schedule. My 5 year old brother Michael met us at the airport with "hey, are you hungry" I said not really are you.....of course he replied " I'm always hungry." Its always good to get a laugh after a long day.
Ellis did great on the flights. We stopped at "The Barrel" as Michael calls it, for a late lunch and then Ellis took a quick nap. When the nap was over and Michael Polar Express wasn't fun anymore they both started to break down at about the same time. We made it home just in time to have a bath and a little fun before bed. Tomorrow Ellis is hanging out with Gammy so I will have to get her to take good notes so we can keep everyone updated.

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