Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Cutest Scarecrow Ever

We had Trunk or Treat at our church for Halloween and it was a blast! Trevor and I carved a few pumpkins for the occasion. My husband is the master carver in our family. I finishe mine (the boo one) first and was very impressed with myself until I saw his first one. I thought that there would be no way that he would be able to do his ideas but I guess he proved me wrong!

Our other activity for the night before was to finish our costumes, or I guess start them. I had made Ellis' hat and sewn on the straw to his outfit a few days before but we hadn't done anything for oursevles. I'm sure it is easy to tell that Ellis was a scarecrow but I will help you out with Trevor and I, we were the tin man (can man as Michael calls him) and the lion from Wizard of OZ. I realize that I look ridiculous but what you can't see in the picture is that I did have a really cute tail. Two sisters from church dressed as Glenda the good witch and Dorothy so they helped us pass out candy. Dorothy even brought her own little Todo....pictured with Ellis. I think he may have thought that he was real. While I was dressing Ellis I didn't think he was going to like Halloween as much as he will in the years to come but as soon as I got him out into the gym to see all of the other kids all dressed up I think he caught on to the idea that this is one of the most fun days of the year for kids.
He didn't get uch candy, most of it he can't really eat yet. One of his friends from the Nursery's mom had animal crackers though and those have been a really big hit today. Trevor....well I got some candy, because I know he won't eat any. There were a few KIt Kats laying on the coffee table today and I thought Ellis was picking it up to look at the shiny paper but he went really quick and just took a big bite out of it, paper and all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the jack-o-lanterns are great! Wish we had tht much talent. Ellis looks so cute! What a great way to trunk-or-treat.

We are on a count down here....less than two weeks!