Saturday, October 14, 2006

Seven Steps and a Slimy Window

Ellis is getting a little more daring with standing up and moving around. He can one hand stuff now and I thinking he was waving to us here. We have practiced waving for what seemed like forever but I think that he has it now. The other day I saw him pull himself up on the gate at the kitchen door and when I turned to look again he had cruised on down to the closet door just keeping his hands on the wall.

This is another place that he loves to stand up except his toys aren't always heavy enough to keep the basket still so sometimes it tips over but he is happy just the same.

Trevor and I were in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner yesterday and I walked into the living room to check on Ellis. I couldn't see him so I went straight to the stairs because he usually likes to sit at the bottom and pound away. I still didn't see him so I looked up and saw that he was banging on the steps, except this time is was the seventh step!

I have pretty much given up on cleaning our front door. Ellis loves to sit there and watch the kids in the neighborhood play. Last night he was watching the girls next door ride there bikes so I stepped out on the porch to get his picture. I guess that he thought that it was really funny. He just kept getting closer and closer.

I guess by this time Trevor could hear me laughing from inside and came to see what it was all about and he decided to get in on it too.

After the widow escapade we all changed into warm clothes and went over to some friends from churches property for a bonfire. This is Sydney one of the girls in the family. She loves Ellis and Trevor and Ellis loved the dog that was there so Trevor got our picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya look like your mom Cassie!!!!