Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Anutie Em has come and gone now. We had fun while she was here but we know it would have been even better if Aunt Sarah Beth would have been up for the trip. Getting better is more important than seeing KS though, so KS and the bug will be waiting for her when she feels a little better.

It had been raining a lot when Emmy was here but the last few days have felt like fall. We had been getting a little stir crazy all cooped up in the house so we decided to come up with a new hair doo for Ellis. This one was our favorite. The other ones weren't even picture worthy!

After a hair day like that we decided we should take a bath and Ellis got a little brave and kept sticking his head under water. This picture was taken just before he blew a few bubbles.

I guess gates are in our near future. He loves to make his way over to the stairs and make his best attempt. This is about as far as he has gotten so far but I'm sure our day will come soon enough!


Anonymous said...

the mohawk is great! now if only we could talk mom in to getting a real one for him on his first hair cut! It was so fun to come and see you guys I really enjoyed my self! I amsure that he probably misses shis favorite person in the world! already!!!! Well can not wait till you guys get here in November! Thanks for all the fun!

Anonymous said...

What a funny little guy! Love the hair. Maybe Pappy can teach Ellis to swim...wonder how many kids he has taught to swim? Looking forward to Nov and all the birthday happenings. Michael is helping me decide about the cake. So look out.

Anonymous said...

wow...i have tears... I wish i could have come!!!!! i feel better though, so that's a good thing. i have credit w/ the airline, so i WILL be coming out soon. not sure when, but soon. love you lots! i'll call u sometime soon...


Anonymous said...

He is so cute..he does look just like you oh and Em too...sorta...I can't wait to see you guys. When are you comming home. THat picture of him close up in the tub...priceless...ya need to send it in to some baby ad cute...