Monday, July 24, 2006

Michael called Saturday the perfect day. He said it over and over again. I think that Mom and I would beg to differ. Saturday we spent just about the whole day moving things from the apt. to the house in hopes to really surprise Trevor. Michael had ice cream for breakfast and that was what started out his perfect day. All morning mom stayed at the house and cleaned and unpacked while Ellis took a nap and I made a trip to the apt for another load. Once we had that unpacked we took Michael to the much anticipated train park. He of course had to wear his train shirt again. He paid for our train coins and then played on the real caboose while we watied for the train. When we heard the train coming around the corner towards the station he started jumping up and down and clapping screaming "here it comes mom its so colorful".

He decided that he wanted to ride on the green car. When the conductor came to take his token he asked if he could borrow his t-shirt. Michael wasn't to sure about talking to him but he sure liked him when he was gone. After he got his picture with him the conductor (or engineer, Michael would be able to tell you the correct name) let him pull the whistle!! Once we got off he said that his favorite part was the tunnel. I don't think that Ellis even realized that we were moving until the very end.

Michael's perfect day continued when we let him pick where we would go for dinner. I thought for sure that we would be going to "Old McDonalds Happy Meal" but to my surprise he picked Pizza Hut which was much easier for me to stomach. Ellis didn't get to try any pizza but he did enjoy his first visit to Pizza Hut. He has discovered his tongue in a major way in the last week or two. He can say dadada and lalalala, but he really likes to just stick it out especially when he is eating fruit!

Our perfect day finished with two guys from the youth group helping us move the bigger items into the house with only a few scratches and scrapes on the hallway problem though, it was the only one we didn't paint. Michael went with me to pick up Trevor and Sarah from the church and earlier in the day we had said that we might get a cake for the surprise unveling of the house but it just got to late and we weren't able to do it. The whole way to get them I reminded him that we couldn't say anything about the surprise until we got to the house. When Sarah opened the door to the car the first thing he said was "we forgot the cake" then he looked at me with a little side glance and a crooked smile and said under his breath "oops." They were very surprised and Trevor has said over and over "I'm so glad I didn't have to do all of that, you just don't know."

Sunday we went to church and then we took our "movers" out to Red Robin for lunch. On Sunday night our church had a big ice cream social on the back lawn with a musical group and water games for the kids. We all had a great time. Michael got soaking wet and loved turning his vanilla ice cream into chocolate with all of the sauce and sprinkles that he wanted. Sarah helped Sasha run the water games and she got soaked in the process.

Ellis had about half of Trevor's ice cream and he was doing the head bob and blowing constant bubbles for the next two hours.

My mom took these two pictures of our little family on the first day in our new house.

Don't be fooled the porch will match the railings once we finish painting. Trevor didn't like the blue (or purple, as he calls it) so we are painting it black which I think is really going to look good!

We hung pictures in Ellis' room today and he chewed on the tag from one of his toys the whole time we worked. I commented on how funny I thought it was that with any of his toys that have tags he doesn't actually play with the toy he just plays with the tag and Trevor said "how come you don't let him play with that tag blanket" I had totally forgoten about the taggie blanket that one of Mom's friends from WI sent for him. I searched through the boxes and found it. He loves it, he took it with him everywhere we went this afternoon.

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What a great time we had in Kansas! I thnk I might become a professional mover if my old body could take it. HA how about all those boxes