Thursday, July 27, 2006

As we have been unpacking boxes we have found toys that I had packed away when we moved from VA and we hadn't opened them yet because he was a little to young for them. His favorite so far is one that O'ma and O'pa got him for Christmas. It is a blue monkey that walks around the room in circles when ever he touches it. He loves that he can make it work all by himself!

I was invited to a choclate party yesterday. It was supposed to be girls only but Trevor had a meeting and just about every girl I could think of was invited to the party too so I called to see if they would make an exception for Ellis. They told me to bring him and not even to worry about disguising him in a dress. He went in his PJs because I knew that he would be ready for bed as soon as we got home. The party had a princess theme. They had huge princess posters on every door in the house and each one was holding some sort of chocolate candy bar. When we walked in there were name tags that said princess... Ellis had a special one waiting for him that said Prince Ellis on it. He loved the party. He got all of the attention and he even got to eat a graham cracker that was dipped in the chocolate fountain.

Trevor and I think that Ellis will be a proficent crawler by mid to late August, just in time for Auntie Em and Aunt Sarah Beth's visit. Right now he is very good at turning all the way around on his belly and he can push himself a good ways using just his arms and his toes. Yesterday he was playing on a blanket and we noticed that he is starting to push himself all the way up on his arms and can occasionally get up on his knees.

I have got to get this kid a ball. What kind of mom am I? I know that I talked about it before but I guess I just forgot. I'm in Trevor's office typing this. Trevor is at Worlds of Fun today. I have never been there but I think that it is comparable to Kings Island. I sat Ellis in the floor to play while I worked. There was one of the new volleyballs that Trevor bought sitting in the floor and he is having a great time. He rolls it to the wall and I roll it back to him and he just laughs and then beats and beats on the top of it.


Anonymous said...

I knew it...Ellis would crawl after we left. I'm glad you found new toys. Ellis is always so busy.

Anonymous said...

That monkey is great where can I get one i think that bryce would be ammusedby it too. oh and PS can you stop calling me Auntie em! or you will be REALLY sorry when I have kids