Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm so sorry that it has been so long but the night that Trevor left the keyboard on my parents computer just stopped working. It has taken the whole week to get it fixed. Eventhough we leave tomorrow afternoon I just had to get on here and post. I'm sure that I will leave out some of what we have been up to this week but at least you will get an idea.
These first two pictures were just really funny. The funny face his his new thing. Before Trevor left he was able to do it and Ellis would copy him but no one else has been able to get him to do it. He just scrunches up his nose and then inhales and exhales through his nose really fast.
One day during lunch I didn't screw on his cup the right way and when he knocked it over the water spilled everywhere. It was so funny. He just stared at at the little puddle on his high chair. I would expect him to splash around in the puddle but he just got really close and looked and looked.

Bryce has been in Canada with Peepaw this week so we have been taking care of Seau for a few days. She is really old so mostly she just sleeps but when she is awake she is calm enough that we can just sit Ellis beside her so he can pet her and one time he even chewed on her ear. He really needs a dog. I think I'm seeing one in his future, although I'm not sure it is the English Mastiff that Trevor thinks he sees!

We had been looking for some new things to do in the neighborhood and we saw a sign for a fair sorta thing in the park near the house. One of the great things about Cincinnati is their parks and recreation department, not only do they have tons of great parks but they also have activities for kids and families all of the time. Anyway we went the other night and Michael played on all of the blow-up slides and jumpy things. The shark was one of the first things we saw. It took a little while for him to warm up to the idea but after a few other slides he decided it was time for the shark. Once he had climbed to the top of the slide his face was saying something totally different. I would translate it to sound something like this "what in the world was I thinking, I have got to get down from here and it is NOT going to be through those teeth!" Big Sister Sarah finally had to go to the top and give him a bear hug so that they could slide down together against his will. At the bottom he sat screaming I don't want to do this and he finally ran out ducking very low to get past those teeth.

This is one of my favorites of the pictures that Amber took for me while she was here. It was so great to see her even if it was only for a few short days. We ate a ton. We had to make sure that she had some Graeters and then of course we had a few thousand other things to eat. He blows bubbles all of the time.

Uncle Michael has become quite fond of Ellis. On this day he even asked if he could hold him. Michael does not like it when we ask him to entertain Ellis but when it is his idea they both really have fun. When Ellis is sitting in the floor playing Michael runs around in circles and they falls down on his knees in front of him and says boo really loud, and if you know Michael you know I mean loud!

We have also been doing some visiting this week with some of the people from our old church in Cincinnati. The Racers are one of the families that we did everything with. Their youngest daughter was born about a year after we met them. Her name is Hunter and she was probably one of the first babies I ever babysat for. I feel like Ellis probably owes some of his life to her because she was like my little guinea pig. I had to make sure that Hunter got to see Ellis before we left and an added bonus was that he got to see his first horse. He wasn't sure at first but he did actually touch one of them.

Emmy had a few of her friends over to the house one night for tacos. She evidentally told them how great my taco meat is so I made tacos for all of us and we ate outside. This picture is with one of our biggest fans. Emmy and I were in youth group with Erika and she has been a little upset that we have not been able to post so I'm sure reading this has made her morning a little better.

Ellis still loves being outside and Aunt Sarah loves to take him. One of the greatest parts of Gammy and Pappy's new house is the front porch. They have a swing and two rocking chairs that we have really enjoyed so I know that our swing at the new house is going to get a lot of use.


Anonymous said...

I made the blog! Thanks Cassie, it was great seeing the both of you, he is too cute!

Anonymous said...

HEY... there I am...!!! What a great picture!!!