Saturday, June 03, 2006

We had a pretty busy day today. This morning bug and I tried to be extra quiet so that Trevor could sleep in for a while. We were doing pretty well until it was time to eat. Breakfast is usually the easiest meal at our house because Ellis loves fruit and that is what we usually have for breakfast. This morning he had some cereal and apricots. Half way through though the noises began and when we got to the applesauce it was an all out grunt. Trevor woke up and said wow he is really trying to poo. When we changed his diaper I called my mom and she suggested some prunes.

On our way to the grocery store he sang the whole time and when I turned around to see what he was doing I thought it was so funny. He had both of his hands up on the handle of his car seat like he was a man. It looked like something my dad would do. You know how you hold onto that handle that most cars have along the ceiling of the car near the doors. I know it isn't the greatest picture but I thought it was funny.

The rest of the day we tried to fit in a lot of family time. Trevor is going to camp tomorrow so we wont see him for a few days unless we go up and visit him one night. Ellis is starting to pay attention more when we read to him. He likes to try to turn the page but mostly he just slaps the book the whole time you are reading. I think his favorite book right now is The Bugs Ball. It is a counting book and I think he likes it because the cover is so shiny.

Our day, well at least Ellis' day ended with some time at the park. He loves being outside. We sat on the blanket for a while, drank from a cup, and watched people on bikes ride by. Ellis then had the oppurtinity to watch his parents in a few games of tether ball. Trevor won both games but I feel for sure that if he was a little closer to my height I could've had him in at least one game. When we finally got home Ellis had a little dinner and a bath and he was ready for bed. I think he had a great day.


Anonymous said...

What great pictures. And I love how you figured out how to get the pictures to match the words.

The boy loves his food that is for sure. He and Uncle Michael E will get along famously I am sure.

Oh no! I guess we are going to have to get Ellis an "after dinner chair" like Pappy so they can sit together and sit alike...that is in the genes I guess.

Anonymous said...

You looser I thought that all those years on the lower play ground would have taught you something! well i guess the only thing that it taught me was duck when Todd Rigney is putting up the tetherball pole.
i love that first picture! we will have to show dad what real tether ball is when Aunt Sarah Beth, Aunt Julie, Aunt Emmy and mom play. now that is serious!!!!