Sunday, June 11, 2006

Trevor's 10 year high school reunion was yesterday so we made the 3 hr. drive to Lamar yesterday morning so that we could make it for a lunch in the park. It was not on the top of my list of things I would like to do this weekend but everytime we talked about it Trevor said he really wanted to go. When we pulled up to the park there were only about five or six people there. We pulled into park and I was cracking up laughing, "are you kidding me, are we really going to go to this?" He kept saying "Cas, we just drove 3 hrs. to get here we have to go." When we walked into the shelter I was really questioning our decision because no one spoke to us. Trevor finally said hello to someone and they all started laughing saying oh its Trevor. Apparently they didn't recognize him and so as soon as he spoke they recognized his voice. (Trevor was really skinny in H.S. and his hair was long and curly, like his brother Jeff's) Once the ice was broken they all really had fun. Trevor had a lot more fun then I think I would ever have at my high school reunion. I guess that is one of the nice things about growing up in a small town. After the lunch at the park we spent some time in Joplin and then went back to the country club for the class picture and dinner. Ellis did really well the whole time. He took a great morning nap in the car and then two short afternoon naps in the car again. The picture is of me eating a cookie that said LHS '96. Shortly after the picture was taken Ellis stuck his entire left hand right in the black icing. This morning for church he still had a black hand. If you had any of our wedding cake you know how long black icing can stick around.

Youth group is at the park all summer long so you will probably be seeing a few pictures similar to these next ones. We played 3D kickball tonight. It is one of my favorite games and I really wanted to play so two of the girls that weren't as excited as I was volunteered to feed Ellis for me. I guess after they finished his dinner they took pictures because when we got home I found a few pictures that I didn't know were there. The picture of Ellis on the swing is with Jim. He is the middle of 3 big boys and they all love Ellis. I think he actually stole him from another girl. When I turned around and saw him I had to take a picture. I just thought it was so cute that this big guy wanted to take Ellis on the swings. His other big laugh tonight was when one of the kids was praying to close the time Ellis made the "bbbbbb" noise like a boats propeller. I don't know what it is but if it is quiet he wants to make noise and if Trevor is speaking he thinks that daddy is speaking directly to him so he usually wants to talk back.

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