Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today is Trevor's middle brothers birthday. He is at a camp in Arizona leading worship so Jen and the kids are here visiting. Jenny had a great idea to make T.D. a birthday funny thing though....take a second look at the banner, Happy BAY Daddy. I'm not sure that there is a Bay in AZ but I hope that he had a Happy Birthday anyway.

Today was pool day. Mayzee is quite the swimmer. She jumped off of the fountain and pretended that she was Arielle. She really wanted Henry to be Eric. Henry was not really interested in being Eric. He just wanted to play in the little pool with the fountain but he only got in after repeating these words multiple (I mean multiple) times, "wemever, no one thunk my head under water" When we were walking back to the apt. he said "hey guys no one thunked my head under water"

Ellis really likes both of the kids but I think Henry is something special. Henry gives him kisses and Ellis just tries to suck on his chin. I can't wait until Ellis gets a little bigger and they can really play together. If Ellis is half as funny as Henry is when he starts to talk you all are really going to like reading my posts. Every night when the kids go to bed they ask if they can take our flashlight to bed with them. Tonight after they had been in bed for a while Mayzee started yelling for her mom. It was one of those screams that you just know that something is wrong. Jen went straight to Mayzee to find that the flashlight had run out of batteries. She is a little extra dramatic. A few minutes later we hear Henry "Mommy I need to potty." Jen said that she knew that he didn't need to pee but she just let him try. He stood there for a while and then said" Mommy, my pee-pee doesn't work, I guess it's out of batteries"

Ellis wasn't to in to the pool time. I don't know, I guess it could have been for a few different reasons. He did just wake up from his nap but I don't really think that he liked Mayzee jumping in right next to him. Most of the time he just sat in the shade and took a 1/2 nap.

We are making our way East tomorrow so I guess we will see a lot of you soon!

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