Friday, June 23, 2006

My dad set up their computer yesterday so we are back. We made the trip to Lexington with Jenny and the kids almost a week ago. They all did great! Ellis only cried a few times in the car but just to get himself to sleep. I really had fun in the car with Jen, it made the trip go so fast for me. We talked a lot about the "Oakes boys." My mom, Sarah, and Michael picked us up and we went straight to Tyler and Sabrina's rehearsal dinner.

Ellis had to take a bath before the wedding and I guess all of the traveling got to him because we had another first in Mamaw and Papaw's bathtub. If you look to the right of his feet you will see what I mean!!

Saturday morning my parents Ellis and I went to an antique show on one of the streets in downtown Huntington and then headed back to get ready for the wedding. Ellis did really well. My dad apparently gave him a good helping of the chocolate fountain at the reception so I think he would be happy to go back to a wedding anytime.

Sunday morning we did the morning ritual at Mamaw and Papaw's house of sitting at the table and reading the paper. Ellis just wanted to eat the paper so we gave him the Best Buy ad. :)

We waited a little while until we knew that Trevor would be up and ready for church and we made sure to call and wish him a happy fathers day. As soon as Ellis heard his voice he started smiling and reaching for the phone.

On Sunday afternoon we went over to Aunt Raree's house to celebrate with Peepaw. Ellis and I took and swim which he enjoyed about as much as Michael enjoyed Peep splashing him and then Ellis played with their new kitty.

Uncle Michael's first few encounters with Ellis sounded like this, "tell that baby to be quiet" but I think you can tell from the pictures that he soon found that he was one of the best people to get Ellis to laugh. This morning he told me that Ellis liked trains and then he played "where is the baby". (peek-a-boo) We also took an after dinner bike ride with Uncle Michael so that he could show us the neighborhood.

We have been working on the yard a lot and fixing stuff in the house ever since we got here. Ellis has taken very well to the baby bed that my parents had the movers set up for him. He doesn't sleep until 9:30 but I guess most moms would be perfectly happy with the 8:30 that seems to now be the norm. This morning he did wake up at 5:30 but we just sat out on the porch with Pappy and listened to the crickets until the sun came up and it was time to eat.

Yesterday we went to the park with Auntie Em. There is a water park there and at first he did not want any part of it. I had to sit him as far away from the little sprinkler as I could so that his feet got a little wet. As soon as he got used to that I moved him up a bit until he was sitting with it right between his legs trying to grab it with his hands while laughing. I think we are going to have to go back there when Daddy is here. Trevor flys in tomorrow so we are going to see Jenny and TD and go to 608 and then we will make our way to Cincy again. The only thing we really want to do so far is go to the Boathouse..... ribs and homemade blue cheese here I come!!!

I posted this whole blog one time and while I was doing it my mom was watching Ellis for me. She fed him breakfast and then I could hear them playing. About half way through it got quiet so I figured she took him outside or down to the basement when I went to get her to read through what I had written this is what I found. Oh well I guess we are taking 3 naps today!




Anonymous said...

That Gammy she has had the rest of us working since they got here and all she does is sleep and finally we have gotten proof!

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight....we were just resting our eyes...