Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ellis had his first few bites of chicken today. There was a little left over from last nights dinner so I added some mashed potatoes and threw them into the food processor. I think he liked it until I gave him a bite of peaches and he realized he could be having those instead.

Trevor and I helped my mom dig up the ditch in the front yard where the water run off from the road. When Ellis woke up from his nap I changed him into his trunks and we made our way to Michael's new pool. We weren't sure how he would like it because the water was so cold but he laughed at Michael the whole time I put sunscreen on him. As soon as he got in he was smiling. The only thing I couldn't get him to do was sit down. He didn't cry or anything he just wouldn't bend his hips. He would however, sit on the little blowup seat on the side and let his feet dangle.

We also made a trip to Target today to run some errands. Michael and Ellis came with us. Tomorrow we are planning to go to see the movie Cars so we looked around while we were at Target to find something for Michael to wear. We found the perfect shirt so check back tomorrow, I'm sure that I'll have some good stories for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is soooooooo much fun...reading your blogs!! i LOVE the pictures. i hadn't checked it in a while, so i caught up yesterday. i was cracking up at michael and his monkey! love ya lots and hope you are having a blast in cincy! :)
