Monday, May 29, 2006

For the last two days Ellis has not been much of an eater. He doesn't mind nursing but as soon as we try to give him anything on that spoon he starts getting upset. This morning after just a few bites of oatmeal and bananas I gave up and decided to just let him play with the spoon and maybe then he would again realize that it can be fun and he can even do it himself. Judging from how lunch went I don't really think my idea worked but he did enjoy playing with his spoon.

The rest of the day though I think he has really enjoyed himself. Gammy and Uncle Michael sent him a DVD last week of The Laurie Berkner Band and Trevor and I have learned the songs and sing them a lot around the house. Today while Ellis practiced sitting up we put the video in again and he really liked it. When Trevor and I sing to him his favorite seems to be We are the Dinosaurs Marching Marching but on the video I think he likes Victor Vido and Freddie Vasco which happens to be my personal favorite too because they like to eat burritos with tabasco. I feel sure that Trevor likes that song the best too because they like to eat fast and they never eat slow.


Anonymous said...

i love the new pics and the stories...however, i have to admit that the picture of trevor and the poop makes me so sick to my stomach!!! lol....where will you be over july 4th? i am coming home this wednesday, but won't be back home until july. i hope i can see you and ellis! he is seriously the cutest baby ever!

love ya,

Anonymous said...

Glad you are broadening your musical horizons. We march like dinosaurs around here all the time. And Victor is one of our all time favorites. They are fun songs...right up there with Raffi!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that mom and the big man take all the credit if you want to know the truth i watch that show all the time and told mom I wanted to get it for you for mothers day but of course I did not want to pay for it so well i guess she can have all the credit becuase she did pay for it. Libby also really likes buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz. And for some reason she thinks that Suzie has a cow on her head is real funny but I hate that one!