Sunday, May 28, 2006

We finally got the tooth picture. It is probably easy for you to see that he didn't really enjoy it but I'm sure when he gets a little older he will like knowing what that first tooth looked like when it was coming in. I'm pretty sure that the other tooth that the doctor said she could see is trying to break through today because he has been a little fussy especially when he bites down on things.
After a lot of practice I think he has finally pretty much mastered sitting with the boppy and now we are going to start working on sitting without the boppy in hopes that he will be able to show off a little when we go to Huntington for my cousin's wedding. It cracks me up when he starts to lean backwards, those little hip flexors and abs start working overtime to try to correct it and then occasionally they just give out and there he is, my little gymnast in a fairly good back bend!
Trevor took the upside down picture of him. He went into Ellis' room the other day to get him after his nap and wanted to get a picture of him in bed on his belly which is how we have been finding him lately. Instead, he was met with Ellis turned the opposite way that he was placed in his crib. I think it turned out to be a cute picture eventhough it wasn't what Trevor had been hoping for. You can also tell that he is now able to put his paci in his mouth on his own. This is quite a milestone for our whole family, something Trevor and I have been waiting for for 6 months now! He does such a good job of it that at any given nap time there could be up to five pacis in bed with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks so big. So different from when we were in Topeka. I can't wait to get him in Cincinnati and put him on a big wheel and shove him down the driveway...oh, wait that is Bryce's claim to fame. Maybe if we get lucky Mark Adams and Jeremy Napier can come too.