Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The kids and I made our way up to Cincy a couple days before Trevor did for Thanksgiving so that we could go to my cousin Jeremy's wedding. I'm a slacker blogger now but were I leave off my mom always gives extreme detail with lots better picture so see her blog for more info there. Anyway, in our extra few days there Emmy and I made a trip to Goodwill were I found my new favorite purchase. I finally found us a piano. None of us know how to play but it is definitely on our homeschool agenda!

After having Thanksgiving a day or two early with my family (mom's blog) we packed up and made our way to IN. Oma and Opa packed in the fun for us!

They took us to see Arthur Christmas, we went swimming in their new YMCA, we got to see Oma's bookstore, made a gingerbread house, watched movies, watched the parade and ate lots of good food.

Maddie came with us on this trip but we aren't sure that she will go anywhere again! The vet advised us on how much Dramamine to give her because we already knew she got car sick. She did great on the way there. I think Ellis is a comfort to her. On the way home her belly got upset and she got sick all over Ellis in the Chick-fil-a parking lot. Thankfully we weren't on the highway!!