Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Very Random Updates

Ellis helped me pick a few of our last veggies from the garden. Somehow we missed this zucchini.

The kids and I took a trip to the zoo yesterday. Ellis requested that we go backwards this time so that we could see the cheetahs first, in hopes that they would be active.

The cheetahs were sleeping but we did get to see lots of new babies.

Trevor was out of town over the weekend on a retreat so I was the sole entertainment. I had it all planned out that we would have a sleepover in my bed complete with ice cream and a movie..... we did but I ended up in Alaire's bed. Saturday morning we were supposed to go to a hot air balloon launch but the weather was terrible so it was canceled. A walk around the park was all that I could come up with and then Ellis suggested the rec. center.

After naps we went to church and then celebrated "Mommy weekend" with our town's miner's day celebration fireworks.

This is them waiting for the show to start.

Ellis and Trevor play sports and cars all of the time but my tolerance for that is somewhat limited. Ellis found a container of paper cups and was busy inventing with them when I showed him how to make a tower. He loved it and hasn't stopped since. The only wrench in the hole thing is that Alaire tends to like to "clean up" the towers.


oma said...

Sounds like your weekend went pretty well considering your set-backs! Love the cup tower.... can't belief Ellis made that!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Well, by the looks of the tower..you might want to consider putting together a box of 'building type things'....just like Michael has in his closet in the basement. Keeps them busy for days on end. Sounds like a fun weekend!!!!!!