Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Miss Amanda's crayon books for Afghanistan

One of our favorite friends, Miss Amanda, is going on her second trip to Afghanistan this year. This is an all women trip and while we sponsored her and her husband on their trip earlier this year we wanted to find a way for Ellis and Alaire to be involved this time. As soon as I started thinking of ways to help them be a part of it all I thought of one of my all time favorite blogs and how she involved her kids in her husbands trip to Haiti. They made crayon notebooks. You can read all about her idea here.

Our crayon books for the children Amanda will pass them out to are very similar to Ashley Ann's blog post. Ours were decorated with scrapbooking paper and modge podge. I also sewed the elastic loops directly to the notebook to save myself a little elastic. I just had to add a little scarp fabric to the back to make sure the thread held.

The kids both loved decorating their books. As soon as they woke up they were ready to decorate.

It was a great craft for them. They were able to do a lot of it on their own and we were able to talk about how we have so much and that some kids don't have special crayons that are all their own. I think they caught on to the fact that when Amanda gives the books to the kids in Afghanistan they will feel special and hopefully know they are loved.

Two finished products.

The back.

They were so excited to deliver the bags full of books to Miss Amanda. Ellis was so very proud of the work and time he put into them. Alaire even told Amanda how she put the crayons in all by herself. :)

****More new posts below so keep reading!

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What a great idea!