Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Trevor's Birthday

We celebrated Trevor's birthday last Thursday. The kids were very excited to find presents for him. Ellis was very persistent about wanting to buying a $1 magic trick that he had seen at Michael's. He knows his Daddy! :) He also got some new bike shorts, swim trunks and is still researching bike tires.

This years dinner request was the same as Christmas dinner. Steak with whiskey cream sauce, mashed potatoes, onion straws, portabello mushrooms and Ally Pally cake. I haven't been able to get the cake to turn out looking right since we lived in Charlottesville but it still tastes the same so we are happy.

When we woke up on Friday, his actual birthday, and enjoyed the traditional birthday breakfast of cinnamon rolls. We also added another fun tradition of the silly straw. I think it was a very happy birthday. I think that picture is hilarious!


maren said...

Love the straw picture! HA!!! :o) Happy Birthday, Trevor!

oma said...

What fun you are having this summer! The silly straw is a winner! Now we know what Trevor will look like when he gets really old and needs to wear glasses for real.

Andrea said...

And now we know where Ellis gets his good looks from...=)

sheltonfamily said...

aahhh trevor makes me laugh and the dinner sounds amazing... i've been to afraid to try it since PW makes it look so yummy. sure it would destroy it.

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