Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bye for a liitle while

We had so so so so so much fun with Auntie Em while she was here. There were a few things I didn't blog about. We took her to the zoo, a few parks, the dirt track etc. We just had to much fun to stop and take pictures of everything.

When we said our goodbyes the kids stood on the top railing and screamed goodbye while she went through security. She called me later and said she heard Alaire the whole time. Ellis was crying, "I wish she didn't have to go." He got his wish because she called me about an hour later to come and get her for lunch. She gave her seat up for a $400 voucher to come visit us another 2 times!! Fun surprise!!! We got right back in the car, picked her up and headed to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. Now we can't wait until her next trip!!

1 comment:

oma said...

Totally awesome!!